Friday, 18 July 2014


The use by animals of plants as medicines is well documented, strongly suggesting that even the earliest humans used it as herbal remedies too. However, evidence is scarce for medical practices in prehistoric times. Ancient surgery leaves traces in bones, but medicines rarely survive in the archaeological record. Plants have been used in treating human diseases for thousands of years, the professions of doctor and botanist were closely linked.

Nature is certainly full of powerful, potential solutions to most of your health problems. However, once these natural plants are synthesized in a laboratory and highly processed away from their associated accessory factors they often lack many of their beneficial properties. It is frequently incorrect to believe that we are smarter than nature and can properly isolate the “active” compound & assume it is equivalent to whole, unprocessed and fresh raw material.

Nature has produced wonderfully complex molecules that no synthetic chemist could ever dream of. These molecules evolved over millions of years as chemical defenses of plants, animals, and microorganisms, enabling them to survive attack by fungi, viruses, and other threats. An estimated 50,000–70,000 plant species alone are thought to have medicinal qualities.

The destruction of plant species is occurring at a rate unmatched in geological history. … Current extinction rates are at least 100 to 1,000 times higher than natural background rates, in jeopardy, and as many as 15,000 medicinal plants threatened.

 While I marvel at the amazing healing properties of plants found in the earth’s rain-forests, deserts, and oceans, it’s not always necessary to seek out an exotic plant or herb to cure what ails you.

In fact, some of the best “cures” around are actually right in the food you eat!

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