Friday, 20 June 2014

Stitch in time

Throughout our lives, we are constantly learning things about our environment that we weren't explicitly instructed to learn. In fact, as a child most of our learning happens implicitly. Think back to your childhood and all the words you soaked up automatically.

The word "autism," which has been in use for about 100 years, comes from Greek word "autos," meaning "self". The term describes conditions in which a person is removed from social interaction hence an isolated self. If you interact with an autistic person in any capacity, it helps to understand how the individual learns. Children with autism have different learning characteristics, so it may be trial and error finding the method that will work best for any given child.

Contrary to popular understanding children & adults with autism make eye contact, show affection, smile & laugh, and show a variety of other emotions, but in varying degrees. Like other children, they respond to their environment in positive and negative ways. They live normal life spans & behaviors associated with autism may change or disappear over time.

Before I was established to be an adult, I learnt about autism in which the thinking of a person is questioned. I spent time analyzing how I think and mentally observing myself thinking. Observing is the right word, not “hear” or “knowing” or “feeling”. Doing is a passion of mine I wish I could indulge in more. When I do the art, it’s like connecting the dots or paint by numbers on a blank canvas.  It’s very satisfying to see with my eyes what I have enjoyed in my mind.

When the concept of mind mapping became popular in the 80's, it made sense to me because I already thought that way.  People said I was creative with my ideas that worked. I didn't put two and two together because it didn't happen that way in my mind. I have taken in so much information from my intense drive to find out and understand when I don’t know something. I have read the gamut from poetry to programming. So my creative ideas are really concepts & pieces of information that clang together in my mind. 

Do you question your thinking ? or Accept it the way it comes to you ?

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