Friday, 27 June 2014

Unity in Diversity

The political and social climate that prevails in the world today emphasizes difference, disunity, and destruction rather than the qualities of unity and productive and constructive energy that are required to sustain human societies. Unity in diversity is the highest possible attainment of a civilization. This attainment is made possible through passionate concern for choice, in an atmosphere of social trust.

My heart always smile to the thought that what the world needs now are different, innovative solutions to old dilemmas. It is not our differences that create dis-harmony. Rather it is the large unwillingness to accept, honor and celebrate them. It’s apparent that in honoring the richness of our differences, that we will be able to invoke the positive changes that the world craves at this pivotal moment.

The use of the phrase unity in diversity is not a new phenomenon. Its roots reach back to hundreds of years. To establish a universally recognized concept of unity, there is need for an acceptance that universal principles exist. The values of universal brotherhood, love for one's neighbour, and the golden rule of treating others as we ourselves would wish to be treated are just some of the ideals that are common to all cultures. They have fostered social union and amity between people for countless generations, inspired great works of art. Today's world would indeed benefit from a profound affirmation of these essential spiritual truths.

This ethic of thinking and acting has profound geographical, ecological, social, philosophical, and spiritual implications. During most of recent human history, the primary way in which regions have been perceived has been derived from the political boundaries that have been established. However, as ecological awareness has developed, there is an increasing perception of the difficulties posed by such often arbitrary determinations of territory. 

Research in both the action-oriented and philosophical streams of environmental studies is resulting in increased knowledge relating to the physical foundations of human existence and the impacts of human attitudes and activities on the planet. The heightened awareness and sensitivity to the ecological factors of the human-environment relationship reveal the need to broaden our concept of territory beyond the politically created boundaries that currently denote the international social and economic climate.

Religion, as the most powerful of cultural expressions, is also the greatest source of conflict. If it continues to be a source of disharmony among human beings, the planet would certainly be better off without it. However, religion continues to be a powerful force in human existence; it is destined to endure in one form or another. Therefore, an even more intensive examination of religion might be necessary to reveal the sources of the tensions between different religious groups. It is just possible that the evidence will offer not only a resolution to the problems that continue to perpetuate the fragmentation within and between national communities but also a source of inspiration to unite the global family through guidance for each individual at the interpersonal and community levels.

If humanity is ever to find peace with itself, it will come from a massive transformation in the way humans relate to one another both individually at the family and local community level.

The message is clear when we examine the geographic scale of human awareness and action to deal with the environmental crisis. Not only must we learn how to think globally and act locally but we must also learn how to think globally and locally and act globally and locally.

Friday, 20 June 2014

Stitch in time

Throughout our lives, we are constantly learning things about our environment that we weren't explicitly instructed to learn. In fact, as a child most of our learning happens implicitly. Think back to your childhood and all the words you soaked up automatically.

The word "autism," which has been in use for about 100 years, comes from Greek word "autos," meaning "self". The term describes conditions in which a person is removed from social interaction hence an isolated self. If you interact with an autistic person in any capacity, it helps to understand how the individual learns. Children with autism have different learning characteristics, so it may be trial and error finding the method that will work best for any given child.

Contrary to popular understanding children & adults with autism make eye contact, show affection, smile & laugh, and show a variety of other emotions, but in varying degrees. Like other children, they respond to their environment in positive and negative ways. They live normal life spans & behaviors associated with autism may change or disappear over time.

Before I was established to be an adult, I learnt about autism in which the thinking of a person is questioned. I spent time analyzing how I think and mentally observing myself thinking. Observing is the right word, not “hear” or “knowing” or “feeling”. Doing is a passion of mine I wish I could indulge in more. When I do the art, it’s like connecting the dots or paint by numbers on a blank canvas.  It’s very satisfying to see with my eyes what I have enjoyed in my mind.

When the concept of mind mapping became popular in the 80's, it made sense to me because I already thought that way.  People said I was creative with my ideas that worked. I didn't put two and two together because it didn't happen that way in my mind. I have taken in so much information from my intense drive to find out and understand when I don’t know something. I have read the gamut from poetry to programming. So my creative ideas are really concepts & pieces of information that clang together in my mind. 

Do you question your thinking ? or Accept it the way it comes to you ?

Friday, 13 June 2014

Ticking With Time

Prehistoric man, by simple observation of stars, changes in seasons, day and night began to come up with very primitive methods of measuring time. This was necessary for planning nomadic activities. Once a societies immediate needs of food, shelter and clothing is fulfilled, it attempts to place itself within a sequence of time based on historical or mythical date. The earliest time measurement devices before clocks and watches were the sundial, hourglass and water clock.

Time was not invented, at least not in the conventional sense. In fact, time does not exist at all. Time is merely a convention of thought and conversation. If time actually existed, it could be measured and quantified by something that cannot be suspended. So what is "time?" Time is relativity. Someone says "yesterday," and you think of time passing. However, yesterday isn't a distance away from "now" that can be measured in an absolute that we know as "time." Now is really simply here, and yesterday is the Earth spinning.

It is commonly thought that B.C. stands for “before Christ” and A.D. stands for “after death.” This is half correct.  B.C. does stand for “before Christ.” But A.D. stands in Latin which means “In the Year of our Lord.” The B.C. / A.D. dating system is not taught in the Bible. It actually was not fully implemented and accepted until several centuries after Jesus death.

It is interesting to note B.C. /A.D. dating system was to make birth of Jesus Christ the dividing point of world history. However, when the B.C. /A.D. system was being calculated, they actually made a mistake in PinPointing the year of Jesus’ birth. Scholars later discovered that Jesus was actually born around 6—4 B.C., not A.D.1. The birth, life, death, & resurrection of Christ are the “turning points” in world history. It is fitting, therefore, that Jesus Christ is the separation of “old” and “new.” B.C. was “before Christ,” and since His birth, we have been living “in the year of our Lord.”

 In recent times, there has been a Push to replace the B.C. and A.D. labels with B.C.E and C.E., meaning “before common era” and “common era,” respectively. Practically every aspect of modern life is based around time, even if we as individuals are unaware of this.

Friday, 6 June 2014

Embattled Soul...

No prescription…Defining of dress code required
 Rape happens in open & abode
Tribal, Metropolitan, Well Clad, Semi Naked all are raped
Rape knows no boundaries has been there forever…..

Sparks off on streets, in cars, in schools, in parks, in alleys no regard for age, race or social status. Rape is not a selective crime but in most cases random. No defense method is guaranteed, Common sense is valuable. Your action should be decisive and instinctive. If confronted, make as much noise as possible run away towards people. If you must fight, aim for the face, eyes, throat, or groin. These areas are usually unprotected and will cause immediate disability. Strike with maximum force. 

Rape is a lot more than an unwanted sex. Many carry a weapon & threaten the victim with violence. Rapists that fit the myth are more likely to be prosecuted, can be anyone: doctor, policeman, clergyman, social worker or corporate president.  It is estimated that 1 in 8 women will be raped in her lifetime in which 1 out of every 4 girls before they reach adulthood. Low reporting rates never let it breeze the daylight. Rape is the most frequently committed crime. An act of VIOLENCE, not passion.

More often than physical effects, victims tend to experience emotional devastation. Some of these psychological effects include: flashbacks, guilt, shame, depression, Battered Women's Syndrome, Borderline Personality Disorder, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Complex PTSD, Dissociative Identity Disorder, Rape Trauma Syndrome, Stockholm Syndrome, and many other similar symptoms. One of the after effects of a sexual crime is triggers. Triggers are objects, actions, and events that cause a victim to remember their attack and have an emotional-physical panic. Triggers can last for many years & times they never disappear.

 Survivor shares, “I know the toll that Sexual Abuse can take on one's life. I struggled to find ways to obtain personal satisfaction and healing. I used to believe that I would never be able to heal from what happened to me. I realized that although I could never get back what was taken from me, I could accept what happened, turn it around, and help others. That is when my life began to change. I began to find positive ways to channel the emotions I was feeling. So for those out there who are struggling right now, I want you to know that recovery is possible. Yes, it will take time, but you will grow to be a stronger person.”

Unfortunately, not every survivor is able to move forward. Many victims will never be able to understand how they are to make meaning out of such tragic and devastating occurrences. While some are able to use their experiences to help others as a way to find purpose in their life.

To such an immoral crime…

”What do you thing should be the punishment..?”