Friday, 23 May 2014

Light your shadow...

We have all had times in our life when it would appear we are encompassed by darkness. In those moments, it seems difficult to find light.
Where do we look for answers & light?
When we see towards the dark sky the brightness of stars are reminding us to look for light in darkness. In a room filled with darkness, a lit candle instantly brings comfort and warmth. The light not only dispels the darkness but also reflects in our eyes & faces.
 On the path to personal growth at some point the burden of our pain becomes too much to bear. Our shadow contains all the parts of ourselves that we have tried to hide or deny. It contains those dark aspects that we believe are not acceptable. We resist every thought & feeling in fear of discovering someone we can’t live. After years of failed relationships, careers, diets and dreams, we continue to suppress our internal messages by putting blinders over our eyes and plugs in our ears.
 Instead of suppressing our shadows, we need to embrace it. Our shadows teach us, guide us, expose us and explore us. The feelings that we have suppressed are desperate to be integrated into ourselves. They are only harmful when they are repressed. Their sneak attacks will handicap you in the areas of your life that mean the most.
 How we overcome a trial is largely determined by how we look at it. If we look at a rainstorm as though it has ruined our day, it probably will. If we look at it thankful for the moisture and beauty it will bring to the Earth, we are more grateful because we can see the value in it. It is the same with our trials. If we see them in a negative way, joy will be hard to find, but if we can look for the good, even in the storms, those little pieces of goodness will bring us joy.
 When you show compassion towards another you automatically move closer to the light. Gratitude is one of the highest vibrations you can give and receive.
 Religious leader, Dieter F. Uchtdorf said, “Even though we may feel lost in the midst of our circumstances, God promises the hope of his light. He promises to illuminate the way before us and show us the way out of darkness.” But when we are in darkness, how does God show us the way out? Uchtdorf goes on to say, “Spiritual light rarely comes to those who merely sit in darkness waiting for someone to flip a switch. It takes an act of faith to open our eyes to the light”

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