Friday, 24 January 2014

Fashion yourself to Laughter….

If you see people laughing, you will smile even if you don’t realize. Studies have proved monkeys, dogs & even rats love a good laugh. People since birth have been doing it before they learned to talk.

Everyone can laugh when time is good but how does one laugh when faced with challenges…?
Smile Smile Smile
Fake it until u make it .The more u smile, your body tricks your mind into believing that it is truly happy even when you thought differently.

 People laugh harder while holding a straw in their teeth rather holding in their lips. This is because body responds subconsciously to the sensation of smiling & assumes laughter will come. Many people resting face is a scowl, train yourself to smile while working, jogging n even reading a book.

Laughter is not just in those moments its echo is far deeper. Countless benefits veiled the prime one being makes you look younger, no reason not to laugh…make sure you laugh hard enough taking everybody with you…

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