Wednesday, 17 December 2014

#Twisted Search

Is search engine faster than my brain?

Have you ever looked for something you really need to find—quickly? The classic example is when someone loses a set of keys. This frustrating situation is the perfect example in performing a visual search.  During a visual search, an observer (the person who is searching for the keys, for example) looks for a target (the keys) in the midst of distracters (all the other stuff in a home). By making the target easier to see, such as by putting the keys on a big, bright red key chain, the observer could improve on their visual search and improve its chances of success.

Coming back to the start of the discussion is search engine faster than the brain. When we compare both they both are dedicated to a process of search. But the way we are weighing it is not right. Researchers have given more brownies to search engine, which is half the truth. If broken down into steps the difference in weighing the both will make more sense…

Search Engine
Type Keys with red key chain
The search will give you end number results

The actual search is not over here, you need to still get to your one answer. When we do a search for our answers do we do it for one or uncountable. The weighing of brain & search engine is wrongly done. Till the time you have not reached to your right solution your search cannot be said to be complete. When you are looking for your lost keys you are not looking for all the keys, but for one out of the many.

In fact they both can never be compared as this is dependent not on one parameter but many like situational, placement & your mind focus. When I say situational it means you can be surrounded by many people, which diverts & breaks your link to your search. Making it same the other way too, where a crowded house & solitude-ness can again be a major factor of search on your keys.

When I say placement it’s the sequencing of a thing, sequence we find in a search engine & our brain too. They both scan on a given set of information, when we compare the both one can find an answer in the first step where the other can find it may be in the last step. This pattern is not fixed it can be vice-versa or may be a different thing all together.

When I say mind focus this is your stress, anxiety & excitement comes in play. It’s just a bit of it which I have mentioned, it is more deeper as it gets linked to a persons’ behavioural aspect. How a person with stands stress, urgency of a situation cannot be put as same as will always vary person to person. I can be cool like a cucumber or can be sitting on a rocket of fire while searching it. Which can play towards me or against me. Mental balance is one of the key ingredients in doing any task which has been given always less focus, which if not measured in any research can make it sound completely nullified.

Monday, 15 December 2014

#Twisted Laws

If you get involved with the police - perhaps as a witness or victim of crime or you are detained, arrested and/or taken to a police station. The police may question you about the crime you’re suspected of - this will be recorded. Have we thought about all the victims & suspects in the right light, while making our laws for our flawless system.

The legal system often has difficulty in dealing with people who have disabilities, particularly where those disabilities involve some form of mental impairment. If a person with a mental illness or intellectual disability has been charged with a crime, specific laws and procedures still seem short in valuing them in the right way.

Do we have any different set of rules while making arrest for the handicaps? Did you realize the laws which are made are short in making the end meets in the right way. I have come across several brutal instances all over the world, where without any prior information a deaf or a blind person has not been understood with his weakness to understand or see the called action asked by the police. Which in turn without wait & watch have been proactive in gunning down a suspect. Leading to a never ending gap between the police & public, which seems to be growing with time instead of mending & melting. The police nor the public nobody is wrong, only laws which are made are being followed blindly even when we see flaws in it.

Did you realize if a person has headsets on his ears & dark glasses on his eyes, comes under your radar of suspect with incomplete information you after some loud announcements keeping you proximity far could end up gunning him down. Only to regret later that he was a blind, or blind & deaf or could be a normal person not on the wavelength of your understanding. The laws followed does not only have gaps but wide gaps. Instead of following a protocol with no eyes give it eyes of an eagle. Which can see as far & beneath like the bird. When a person is a suspect & has no ammunition, make changes in your protocol by making thumb impression as a rule, which gives out instant details with in a click of a second. Giving a chance to save lot of face & with lot of grace in the whole situation.

The challenges which we face in our system are many. Some solutions which are visible should be activated at lightning speed, rest will surely come along too.

Sunday, 14 December 2014

#Twisted Sale

Anyone who throws acid on someone's face intends to scar them for life…

Acid which rolls down from 1740, which by 1830's could see its use as a weapon, where its high usage in the wrong way was weighed as a stain on the national character of the country.

Throwing acid leaves a person with a disfigured face forever with surgeries costing them even dearer, for their whole lifetime. We have cases of acid throw all over the world. Where women are the victims mostly in all, due to denying advances by male towards them. Some countries have been proactive in placing laws in the right way making it curb down to minimal, where in many it’s still a far cry.

Non-industrial sale of acid should be banned altogether. And even the industrial use needs to be fully accounted for. It is a harmful chemical and there is no reason it should be lying around in people's homes. Vendors should have a license to sell acid. That way the government can start monitoring its sale and purchase.

Acid attack is a cruel and inhumane crime, which calls for immediate medical treatment to the victim, irrespective of court's decisions. But, the present laws do not stand sufficient, as many victims are exhausted with running around courts for years together after having to brave a life-long health complication because of the chemical injuries they sustain. Along with specific laws to deal with acid attack cases, there must be a provision for fast track courts too, where cases are solved within three months or earlier to this.

For, industrial, commercial and all other purposes, it must be sold under licensed dealers and its procurement be made possible against production of suitable identity proof. The physical and psychological trauma following an acid attack makes life very difficult for the victims. The government must take steps to rehabilitate acid attack survivors with counselling and other provisions too.

Saturday, 13 December 2014

#Twisted Communication

One of the most frequently quoted statistics on nonverbal communication is that 93% of all daily communication is nonverbal. Popular science magazines, students and media outlets frequently quote this specific number.
So where does the number come from?

When we go to the broader aspect we may end up losing ourselves. Everyone has a different categorization on the whole, but fairly to match to the most they have split it into two…


Verbal as defined by the name has the usage of our Voice, Written Communication in which our Emails / Social Networking Interactions are all placed.

Non-Verbal gets segregated as Body Language, Sign Language, Emotions, Silence, Violence, Dance, Touch. In short where the voice has no role to play.

The current stats of 93% of Non-Verbal makes me wonder in amazement to its authenticity. Where we have our ever growing cyber world social platforms visibility to be placed as Verbal Communication refuses to show any increase in its stats. Which earlier was 23- 27%...has slided to 7%.

Further search I realized, the bifurcation done of Verbal & Non-Verbal seems to be not done in the right light. Before going deeper in it, One thing at the onset of it was crystal that no way can we compartmentalize the system into Verbal & Non-Verbal as you will always find them overlapping with each other. A speech, a conversation will always be ruled with silence in between where they both are placed in opposites. Emotions can never be part of any category but only a part of human which are in both category. Humans don’t exist without emotions Verbal & Non-Verbal both will see it. Interestingly a serious person also is showing his emotions. A person dancing can be talking & a person who is violent can be also doing the same. A person may be cajoled while talking, blending the voice & touch together. One without other & the other without the prior is incomplete. When the parameters seem to be all shaken, where does the stats authenticity stand.

I strongly feel the way things are routed in Verbal & Non-Verbal has not been done in the right way. Where I feel Non-Verbal should simply be part of our written communication without making it more complex, as the word also rhymes & states the same. Verbal should have things ruled by voice, sight where body language is visible, sign language & dance. As where even voice is not a part through signs also a person is being verbal, which holds same for a dancers postures. Let emotions not be a part of any as while writing also a person is sharing his side, but see it as a balance in both.

Thursday, 11 December 2014

#Twisted CyberSecurity

On the web, personal information can be as valuable a currency as cash. Citizen’s attitudes towards the privacy of their personal information are evolving and as a result unwittingly making the challenge greater. Increasingly, the definition of privacy is changing. Where once privacy meant not revealing information unless to a trusted third party, in the social media world information is willingly shared, but privacy concerns relate to how that information is used once shared.

Much cybercrime relies on the fact software is bug-ridden or contains flaws in its design. There is a clear need and opportunity for greater industry cooperation, standardisation and testing of software products to reduce the opportunity for hackers.

We have already seen examples of alleged international cyber-attacks, such as that on Estonia, and UK security services warning businesses of rampant cyber espionage originating in the Far East. We all know that, at some level, everybody is prying and spying on everybody else’s cyber presence. Many experts see a future cyber war to be inevitable – so why don’t we try to prevent it before it happens?

 An agreement of an international cyber peace treaty whereby signatories would agree that their infrastructure would not be used, or allow it to be used, for cyber-attacks. This proposal requires discussion at the highest forums. On the internet a state is not defined by its weapons or politics, but by its laws and regulations. Without a common base level of data protection and computer misuse legislation, there will always be territories that provide a safe haven for cyber criminals and hackers. Involvement in key global trade bodies should be dependent on an acceptance of such regulation.

Organised cyber criminals have realized that it is easier to steal $1 from a million people, than to steal $1m from one person. But in many cases, the response from law enforcement does not reflect the problem. One person complaining to the police about losing $100 through cyber-crime, or the theft of personal identity information, is rarely sufficient to elicit a response. In the UK, for example, police have delegated responsibility for small-scale cyber-crime reporting to the banks. How well are co-ordinated attacks spotted? Are trends and patterns sufficiently analysed? If one person loses $1m, the police response would be broad and well-co-ordinated. If a cyber-crook made a million from a million individuals, would they ever be caught?

Banks and law enforcers need to co-ordinate better, and reporting of crimes by individuals affected needs to be simpler and better policed. Too many individuals don’t bother because they don’t believe they will be helped. Perhaps social media techniques could be used to “crowd source” reports of theft or fraud? But in general, there needs to be a better relationship between individual and law enforcement to ensure adequate protection and detection of organised, widespread but individually low-level cyber-crime.

Tuesday, 9 December 2014

#Twisted Politics

Whenever I decide to make a list of words, which are not being used in the right way. Politics always tops the list. We can all decide for ourselves, once we are towards the end of this. One is we have a profession line named As “Politics” & where on the other side, we end up using it where we find mean ends fighting its way out. Reflect & Relate don’t we hear often “office politics”, “I don’t like playing politics”. We have always given a negative meaning to this word. But the mockery is the decision makers of our country are all bracketed in the same field. Often heard few politicians also quoting of not playing politics, which can be out of wavelength for many.

We in all this rush & gush of things also like to hear positive words a ‘Yes’ for a ‘No’, a ‘Good Morning’ instead of a ‘Bad Morning’. Makes me think, we often denote politics to be negative is that the reason marking politicians & this field to be grey. We have various professions, options for the youth, but still I have never heard any parent telling me I am going to make my child a politician why? Makes me only wonder….

This field requires Youth & Women both, as that is the only freshness which can change things to be more positive. Being a male dominant we miss out on the other ratio of ours as both sexes are beautifully wired differently.

Before I want to end this hoping to make a change in the thought process, I strongly feel the Profession Politics should be renamed as Public Servants & let the other meaning of Politics take its shape….

Monday, 8 December 2014

#Twisted Hands

Handedness origin in humankind, it's clearly been around a long time. Cave paintings have shown the occasional lefty ancestor clutching a spear. The relative scarcity of left-handedness, has provoked cultural superstition and discrimination. 

«Handedness» is a vague term, and can mean many things to many people. Most people in our society define handedness as the hand you use for writing. Within the scientific community, the vagueness of this term has led to much debate. Researchers define handedness based on different theoretical assumptions. For instance, some define handedness as (a) the hand that performs faster or more precisely on manual tests, while others define it as (b) the hand that one prefers to use, regardless of performance. Some think that there are handedness as: (a) either left or right, or (b) should be three categories to include ambidexterity.

I find the whole concept of handedness fascinating, decided to unleash the theory, research, opinions and fictions, in order to better understand the reality of the phenomenon, and try to separate facts from fiction, research from opinion, and truth from myth.

In the whole process it made me an ambidextrous, where I can use both hands with ease for everything. The reason of sharing is not to flaunt it as a medal, but a learning which made me appreciate things in deeper level. Handedness has its roots in the brain—right-handed people have left-hemisphere-dominant and vice-versa for the left handed people. By bending the unbending was not easy but surely worthwhile. I will never be able to agree to all the myths which surround left & right handed people, making one superior to the other. Successful people are not measured by their left & right hand, but are made by their undying spirits. I agree on the opposite parts of our brain being used more to the other half due to preference of our hand. But the story ends there, if you reflect most of the time we are using both our hands. We are making both sides of our brain function but one gets little more chance than the other. Which can in no way decide your life span or your intelligence. In fact if you make fists of your hands you will realize one of them has more strength than the other which again shows you’re opposite to the hand brain side is stronger. This all again gets linked to being a right or a left handed person.

We are during the day using our complete brain where one is more & the other is less. I decided to make my entire brain more active being a right handed struggled to make left as superior as right. Realizing after my entire project my fists had equal strength. I see no reason for others not making there non active hand more active. The journey ask for endless patience, as writing with your left where you have always done with your right is not a cake walk. But I can guarantee you it’s not impossible.

I want all these research work, which are always trying to make one handed people sound superior to the other to be ignored as they are baseless.

Sunday, 7 December 2014

Twisted Alphabets

I had an alphabet wallpaper in the room that I slept in as a little kid, and I was completely fascinated by it. It only had majuscules, the capital letters, and my mother told me that all the words in the English language could be made out of those twenty-six letters. I just didn't believe her and I would lie there at night trying to think of words that couldn't be spelled with those letters. I would put myself to sleep thinking it just isn't possible that the infinity of language could be contained within this set of twenty-six letters.

There are only two writing systems in existence today, Chinese characters and the alphabet. People often say, well what do you mean by that? There’s Arabic letters, there’s Indian scripts, there’s Ethiopic letters, there’s all of these various kinds of letter-forms. Most people don’t understand that the alphabet is actually a synthesis of two early writing systems.

I actually put my interest in the alphabet down to that early history. I also think I was just fascinated by the visual forms. I've always loved the visual shape of the letters. Well, I think there are two histories when we talk about the history of the alphabet.  There’s the history of letter-forms and how they came into being.

The other history is the history of ideas about the way we think about the alphabet, and all of the properties that we project onto these letters, whether for magical or religious or interpretive purposes. So that’s another entire history, and I think that the history of literacy, reading, and of spelling reform and of shorthand notation, and of phonetic systems, and all of these various variants on the alphabet are also a part of that history of ideas. 

There are really two parallel histories. But, more and more the other history, which is the history of ideas about the alphabet got forgotten.

In fact, if you look at it at a micro level, the range of periods of which these writing systems come into being stretches over almost 2000 years back - which is not trivial when you think about it. The inception of writings is traced down from Egypt than evolved slowly by making everybody a part of it, in a way could never fit as one person’s legacy. It started with pictorial writings where they took A to be an ox…if u rotate it you can actually catch an image of an ox with horns, than similarly the B was taken to be a house where if twisted from the right can make you see through. The alphabets always had a deeper reflection than was made to see, creativity has always been a part of us not apart of us.

I reflected to the current 26 Alphabets still could draw the same learning, which we all have forgotten or refuse to realize. Rotate…Twist…See it upright & discover it in the below list…

C...Crescent Moon
D...Door Handle
F...Fishing Rod
G...Gun Trigger
N...Neck to Neck
U...Upside Down Rainbow

My thought on the whole thing is telling a child A means Apple which cannot be found in the image is better or A means Arms where the upright view of it makes u see slanting lines as arms stretched of a person. I strongly feel a change is required the way teaching is done, creativity needs to be injected in the right way from the grass root level.

Friday, 31 October 2014

Intelligence Quotient

Intelligence is something which I feel is never static it keeps growing, varying. Than circumstances add a lot in the whole play making a person sound justified or an unheard story to all. I could never seal a person with a tag of being intelligent or unintelligent. As I know the same person can be the wisest of the lot on another topic.

The term IQ, or Intelligence Quotient, generally describes a score on a test that rates the subject's cognitive ability as compared to the general population. Most people perform better on one type of question than on others, but experts have determined that for the most part people who excel in one category do similarly well in the other categories, and if someone does poorly in any one category, he also does poorly in the others. Based on this, these experts theorize there is one general element of intellectual ability that determines other specific cognitive abilities.

Because IQ tests measure your ability to understand ideas and not the quantity of your knowledge, learning new information does not automatically increase your IQ as per them. Learning may exercise your mind, however, which could help you to develop greater cognitive skills, but scientists do not fully understand this relationship. The connection between learning and mental ability is still largely unknown. Intellectual ability does seem to depend more on genetic factors than on environmental factors, but most experts agree that environment plays some significant role in its development too.

Dictionary defines IQ: a number representing a person's reasoning ability (measured using problem-solving tests) as compared to the statistical norm or average for their age, taken as 100.

One's IQ score can vary—either decrease or increase—as one grows.
So, it comes to innuendo that it is not reliably the best method. It changes by factors of social surrounding, education system or aging process?

Success is today realized to be reached by determination, not by one's level of IQ. It also involves the play of EQ (Emotional Quotient) and for some cases, SQ (Spiritual Quotient) too.

There are many people who never went to high school nor college that have wonderful intelligence levels. The testing for I.Q. levels seems out dated, due in part to having people learn throughout their lives. Does it make a person better then the next person just because they have a high I.Q.? No! It's what you do with your knowledge & common sense that stands you out from the crowd.

Friday, 24 October 2014

Old habits die hard

This blog may initially tickle, but later you may realize it was all the way worth. Staring at gods creations realized the behavior of dogs with lot of aah moment to myself. Where dangling from one thought to another was left with gamut of knowledge on the same.

First of all, dogs urinate far beyond the boundaries or limits of their so-called territory. Secondly, males aren't the only ones who lift their legs; some females (usually the anxious type) do this as well. Thirdly, dogs don't just urinate on large objects, but on vertical objects (trees, posts), unfamiliar or inorganic objects (tires, plastic bags, fire hydrants), and on anything carrying a scent that the dog wants to cover (such as another animal's urine).

Of course if a biologist who witnessed the African wild dogs madly scrabbling up the tree trunks did so with the belief that dogs urinate to send a message to other dogs, their behavior would, no doubt, confirm this hypothesis.  But if we approach this behavior with a clearer mind we might ask, how could these dogs possibly know the "nose height" of another, purely hypothetical dog who might (or might not) come along at some undetermined point in the future? 

Offhand re-telling of it, as if it were a scientific certainty, merely highlights a general tendency in science: in attempting to dissect how an animal's behavior might serve an adaptive purpose -- in this case marking would be a hypothetical means of limiting competition within a niche or habitat -- most scientists blur the line between what makes sense in terms of the grand arc of evolution, and what an individual animal is capable of in terms of its cognitive abilities.

Roger Caras, whose voice used to be heard each year at the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show in New York, was fond of saying that when a dog sniffs a fire hydrant he's "reading his mail". This is highly anthropomorphic, yet it's hard to dispute that a dog does get information from the scent of other dogs this way. The only question is, did the dog who left the scent do so with the intention of "sending a message" to the one who comes along later?

Territory is defined by biologists as an area which an animal will defend against intruders of the same species. But how is such an area delineated in the animal's mind? Are its boundaries visible and concrete or imaginary and abstract? Is a dog capable of forming a mental image of where his territory begins and ends? And if animals have no sense of self and other, how could they think of a territory as "mine" or "belonging to me?"

So it seems far more likely that when one dog detects the scent of another dog, (particularly an unknown), it could cause a perhaps low-level stress reaction, which would then increase his need to urinate. As he does he would feel the pleasure of releasing some of the tension and pressure in his body? And thus, over time, his body would self-reinforce the behavior of peeing on top of another dog's scent. It would be a purely emotional and perhaps Pavlovian response, not based on intellect or other mental faculties.

This explanation is simple, whole, and complete. It requires no complicated thinking on the dog's part. It obeys the rules of parsimony and logic. And it only requires that a dog have the ability to experience tension and pleasure, and to form simple physical and emotional associations.

Friday, 17 October 2014

Light - Darkness

Speed of Light 299792.458 km/se
Frankly speaking I had to look back in the records to be accurate & I’m sure you would have done the same. As this was always more of a theoretical learning, where did we actually use it in our life, in instances I can fail to see? The mockery is we keep looking for light, still feel this quantified figure could never be a help. I’m on the same page with you & will still not make an extra effort in learning through.

This definition only fits right for scientific theories & evidences. Which was further described by Einstein's theory of General Relativity in the presence of gravity. If I am at a different location than yours then I could measure the speed of light at your location to be any value smaller than or greater than 299792.458 km/sec. So in the presence of gravity the speed of light becomes relative.

In my quest I realized that not only the Speed of Light, but the Speed of Darkness has also to be searched. The one with which we can connect, don’t have to fall back for references. If we have do that, than that defeats the purpose makes us stand from where we had started.

After scratching & straining my head the best was my blink defined it to me. A real blink of an eye takes 300 to 400 milliseconds. Since there’s 1000 milliseconds in each second, a blink of an eye takes around 1/3 of a second. Irrespective of the outer condition you sitting in a dark or a lighted place. The Speed of Light & Speed of Darkness is measured as per your blink. Which equally divides the dark & light time.

 Speed of Darkness = Speed of Light = One Blink

Finally with the blinks your vision is formed towards what you are trying to perceive. A definition which a lay man can also understand. Broadening the word Vision not just to the ability to see but also the power to sense it more deeply to your understandings.

If mathematically we want to be more precise, the availability of records with the number of blinks taken in a minute/hour can be calculated it to the time taken by an individual to reach to his vision. On a serious note would like to leave it on the former, as we are again directing ourselves to another numerical figure making us lost to another game.

“If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is - infinite.”  William Blake 

Friday, 10 October 2014

Amend to Mend

Why do we hope people will change their goals, habits, and values to better align with ours when they haven’t given us any indication they’d be happier for doing it?

Sometimes we think we know what’s best for others, but if we’re honest with ourselves, we’ll likely realize we want people to change when we simply don’t feel satisfied being in a relationship with them as they are.

We all want to be loved and accepted, just as we are. We want people to honor our interests, value our needs, and respect our choices in life.

People don’t want to be changed & we can’t force them to change. This causes no end of frustration, for us and the person who we’re trying to change. The people we want to change, there are others out there who’d accept and even value them, just as they are. 

If it’s not easy for you to change, why should we expect everyone else to change, and get frustrated when they don’t? Why not change to adapt to the reality of the world around you, instead of expecting the world to bend to your desires?

To change other people, you must change yourself. It is the only thing we have power over. If the flaws appear to be a big part of you that others also dislike, then change this part about you to the best of your ability.

Everything that we see outside of ourselves is a reflection of what is inside of us. The environment, the people, the economy, everything because we, as a collective whole, see these things jumbled into our world. If we did not have these qualities present within ourselves somewhere, we would not recognize them in our world.

If you want to change a mirror’s reflection, you must change. Once you have adjusted your emotions and beliefs, you will find that the reflection in your environment will have adjusted to match your new inner reality.

Friday, 26 September 2014

Rubik Cube

No one’s childhood would have passed without being fancied to the Rubik Cube. I would not be surprised that the generation who did not see its inception during their childhood, ended up playing in their adulthood. For whatever reason, nobody reads instruction manuals. If you buy a new Rubik’s Cube, there’s usually a set of instructions that come with it, explaining the algorithms that you need to use to solve the cube.

What do we do when we encounter something- be it a personal, business or academic struggle- that seems completely over our current level of competence? How do we evolve as a person, learn new skills and accomplish increasingly harder goals without losing confidence in ourselves.

I think the answer is in learning ‘What’ & ‘How’ to learn.

In the context of the Rubik’s cube, this began with me researching how the cube was constructed and learning that it wasn't just a random combination of colored squares. There are actually ‘Algorithms’ which help to solve the maze.

Self-coaching to give yourself immediate feedback is just as effective. The first step to the process is having an end result in mind, then using deliberate practice to get there. For me this meant learning all the 8 sequential algorithms to the Rubik’s cube one-by-one and repeating them individually until I was proficient at solving that specific piece of the cube. My focus at this point was not solving the cube, but mastering the one specific algorithm I was working on which was, incidentally, a step in the overall big picture.

It’s all about filling in the gaps, the first stage is about figuring out what you don’t know. But once you know what you don’t know…then you need a specific strategy for filling in these gaps. Most people would make the mistake of trying to do more generalized study or practice harder here. The main way to fill in gaps is to attempt to actually teach what you've learned to someone else and see if you’re able to transmit the information in a logical pattern. You’ll usually find that the things you think you understand by grasping in the dark, guessing and checking, assuming the whole time. While communicating they are much harder to explain & transmit to others.

For me, this really broke down to trying to teach someone else how to solve the cube. Once I learned how to actually teach and transmit the information, I became much more competent in the skill. There’s a big difference between knowing how to do something yourself and knowing how to teach somebody else the same thing.

Friday, 19 September 2014

Motor Skills

‘Motor Skills’ I have been ambushed with this term several times. Yes & I vividly remember has no connection with my pristine car driving skills. A recap only makes me feel guilty as always thought was wise on the whole thing. Abandoning it to best of my ability with starting & closing it to body movements. Where deep & vast as an ocean it has still to give you more.

A fine motor skill is any skill that involves the use of the small muscles in the hands, in accordance with what the eyes see. Which requires the strength, coordination and precise movements of the hand muscles. Every fine motor skill requires that you are able to interpret your visual perceptions into corresponding physical movements. With practice, it’s possible to increase the ability of the fine motor muscles to work more efficiently together in a singular task. 

The research work I ended up doing in this only led me to a point where kids or old age were given the focus. Believe prior is balancing to the new & the latter is losing the balance to it. Where the age group of middle disappeared made me also disappear to it.

Gross motor skills generally refer to movements involving larger muscles, like those in the arms, legs, feet or the entire body (used for walking, jumping and so on). Furthermore Fine motor skills generally refer to movements involving smaller muscles, like those in hands, wrists and fingers (such as those used for holding a crayon or toy). However, as one thinks about these two groups of skills, it is easy to see how they overlap.

Our brain is not fully developed at birth. The brain grows very rapidly during the first several years of life. We, being highly conscious of our motor skills--our potential and abilities-- are greatly influenced by them. Our language betrays our need for motor excellence.  From birth, we judge the development of a child by whether he is rolling over yet, sitting up. But what if they can't "DO" like someone else?  What if the natural ability isn't there, or the skill hasn't been developed?  How does this child feel?  How is he seen by others in his world? What kind of feedback does he receive?

Our initial perception of self is an interpretation of how we think others perceive us.  So what can we do, to enhance the self-esteem? The point here is - this thing does not finish till the child level it goes on throughout our life. We are throughout our journey only busy magnifying our motor skills at no age do I see we have left it behind.

“I rate enthusiasm even above professional skill”

Friday, 12 September 2014

The Hare & The Tortoise Story

You learn something every day, if you pay attention to all your folds. It’s what you learn after you know it all that counts. Children have to be educated, but they also have to be left to educate themselves. As a child we all read many stories, In-fact we forget all except few. Somehow believe the story of Hare vs the Tortoise still holds strength in all. May be the reason being on various context throughout we kept listening to it as examples here & there.We can still spell magic with this story in a new light making it worthwhile for all of us.

The Hare & Tortoise story is one of Aesop's Fables, a collection of stories credited to Aesop, a slave from Ancient Greece. The hare blind to over confidence thought that he’ll win taking a nap or break was his right & the tortoise’s diligent regular, plodding pace allowed him, in-spite of being  slower competitor, to cross the finish line first.

Are you a tortoise or a hare when you approach a large task?

There’s no right or wrong way, but just whatever system works better for you.If the story is dissected to the given living conditions in which we nurture can be forked into two ways…

A Tortoise prefers to work more days, for fewer hours–three hours a day for seven days - Slow and steady.

A Hare prefers to work fewer days, for more hours–seven hours a day for three days - Bursts of effort.

I am a Tortoise. I like working every day, but I don’t like feeling that I have to get a huge amount done in any one session. I like having distant deadlines that I approach slowly and steadily.

A friend of mine is a Hare. She allows herself to take a day off here and there, but she makes up that work. She doesn't mind the pressure of needing to accomplish a lot over a short period. She feels energized by deadlines.

One problem with being a Hare is that to be effective, you really do need to catch up. You can’t sleep through the entire race. I see quasi-hares fall into the trap of the “tomorrow problem”. “I didn't work today, but I’ll work seven hours tomorrow”–but when tomorrow becomes today, they don’t feel like working the seven hours. If that’s a challenge you face, you might try a tortoise approach. Don’t try to do too much on any one day, but push yourself to be very, very consistent.

Interestingly this story scores on many morals, where we had earlier one…

·        Slow & Steady Wins the Race
·        Consistency can beat Over Confidence
·        First identify your competence & then change the playing field to suit your core competence
·        When we stop competing against a rival & instead compete with the situation we perform better
·        Never give up
·        Never under estimate the weakest opponent

Friday, 5 September 2014


Ego when donned to hilt must have always lost his balance through. We all are blessed with it. How to keep it in balance is another trait one needs to own. I like to hammer my Ego to a pulp, let it lie to breathe its last breath. Learnt to do as no one is gifted with this boon. In fact love toying it more than feeding to its itch. E-GO the word itself says let the E Go forever from it. This helps me win over it, but will always do cannot say. As with being positive I have a realistic approach to all what I do. I understand being perfect is not attainable, but always trying is a habit to be never given up.

Ego is easily shaken up, always in search of food, that somebody should appreciate it. That’s why you continuously ask for attention. Try to understand your deeper self as this has to be truncated & unless you throw it will never be able to reach your real self. An analogue which justifies difference between a real & a plastic flower. The ego is a plastic flower – dead, in fact justification of being called as a flower also fails as biologically needs to flower & grow. We humans have a flowering center as explained in Hinduism too, depicting a lotus with infinite petals to our sight.Which goes on flowering till our end making it permanent, but not eternal.

When you let the plastic flower take over your center? How can the real flower take its stand? This Ego comes continuously in conflict with others because every ego is unconfident about itself. A conscious being can never miss not knowing that his Ego is false. When someone says the truth – nothing hits harder to us than the truth. Your defensive attitude comes to its best cause if you don’t where will you be? Your Identity which you feel is so fragile will break. Is it true? Before playing this game make sure to be true to your conscious as this is one thing you can never be inseparable too. 

You expected something, but your expectations got drained. The thing which is shaken the most is called your Ego due to which you stand in misery. Causes are not outside us but within us. We always end up looking outside more. When in misery try to ask why? Nobody can try & create humility through any effort of his own. When we let the Ego slip from us humbleness naturally will take its place. It’s not a creation but a shadow of our real flower showing its light outside. When humbleness has its shadow on us the holder stands unaware of his own quality, if he stands boosting on the same has still Ego to GO.

What is Ego? Ego is a hierarchy that says no one is like ‘ME’.

Friday, 29 August 2014


Turning traffic has an impact on pedestrian travel. Motorists who are turning left have their concentration focused on the oncoming traffic. They while concentrating on identifying a suitable gap in automobile traffic traveling on a perpendicular path, often pull into the pedestrian crossing area. 

Summing up the whole world we have different names for pedestrian crossings: Zebra, Pelican, Puffin, Toucan & Pegasus.

·         Zebra crossings are named after their stripes & are used in many parts of the world.
·         The word Puffin comes from Pedestrian User Friendly Intelligence (making the buttons available beside you!)
·         The word Pelican comes from Pedestrian Light Control(You ‘control’ the button for the ‘green man’ from the other side of the road)
·         The word Toucan based on the idea that two can cross –  these are joint for pedestrian and cycle crossings.
·         The word Pegasus crossing is a special consideration for people on horseback.

Putting all the crossings in a bag making it a mixed bag. Let us pull threads on the art of walking.

Choose a place where there is a space between two cars, making it easier to reach the other side of the road.  A hidden message for all when split between varied streams should always be able to find space between each by making it a To & Fro move.

Make sure a stationary vehicle is true to its core by observing for driver, lights & d silence of the engine playing to its best. With presence of our mind our sight has equal weight. Use it to your best not only to see superficially but deeply.

Never to cross blindfold near large vehicles. You could be standing in a blind spot, where the driver cannot see you. When mentally you have already fed yourself that the given situation is bigger than you make sure your visibility is not diminished to the same. Sometimes your acting skills is not only a veil for others, but for you also in making you believe that you can envision more than you see. 

Walking to the outside edge of the cars circumferencing and halting to the sight of drivers or vehicles. Make your journey worthwhile give time on your stoppages. Appreciate from where you started till where you have reached. When we are passionately involved with our Goals, we forget to appreciate ourselves how far have we reached. As we tie our success only to our Goals fail to acknowledge the others.

Use the Green Color-Cross Code. Make sure you find a green lining in all you do, the expression “golden lining” stands nullified. If your eyes fail to see green than it must be STOP.

Friday, 22 August 2014

Forbearance to Pain

Conversations always end up as starters, heading me with blank canvas towards a new direction. Being a part of a group as not active but passively listening to all. The steaming topic of discussion was getting inked to a tattoo with erratic pain level to all. Blink of a second I could relate to several different faces of the past, who have shared different experiences on the same. The Y which is ’Why’ never leaves me to rest. There has to be a reason why people experience different level of pain even when all are going through the same.

Pain tolerance is the maximum amount of pain someone can tolerate. Experts do not yet agree on why we have different levels of pain tolerance. Psychology might explain pain tolerance as a result of “mind over matter.” In fact, some people can even control their reaction to pain consciously. People can increase pain tolerance a number of ways. Some examples include stimulating positive emotions to override negative emotions during stressful situations, suppressing pain via distraction, or by training and conditioning the mind to focus attention elsewhere can help minimize pain.

Dodging all the other studies which weigh around Gender, Age, and Culture & Genetic. The psychological study which takes human behavior as prime makes it easy for us to learn the key for un-keying our self. Throughout my life I have been red faced to needles. Sight of it would make me turn my face to the opposite direction & getting a shot without hitting my voice till the roof was rare to see. My height & age had stopped protecting me so I decided to be brave. How much can you relate to the word ‘brave’? But for me that time it meant nothing less than uprooting a mountain. I knew I had a strong will power that was enough for me to get ignition than rest was history.

In this whole process I realized it’s just an act of ‘Mind over Matter’. If we stop feeding our self with negativity we can do wonders. I have felt it, done it & experienced it. No blind fold approach I’m talking about. The power of our thoughts are so strong we our-self do not know….

Mahatma Gandhi ‘A man is but a product of his thoughts what he thinks, he becomes…’

Friday, 15 August 2014


Gaping into the sky had not decided to be a head hunter but was overwhelmed by the sight. The twinkling stars had enveloped me with an unbreakable bond. The brightest out of the lot, which we always name it to be “North Star” is far away from the factual. North Star which is also called Polaris has been gifted with medium brilliance. The story line builds up now “Why automatically  do we presume the brightest to be North Star?” left me also scratching my head.

This star is a boon to travelers throughout the Northern Hemisphere, both over land & sea. Finding Polaris means you know the direction north.  Polaris – is famous for holding nearly still in our sky while the entire northern sky moves around it. That’s because it’s located nearly at the north celestial pole, the point around which the entire northern sky turns. As you face Polaris and stretch your arms sideways, your right hand points due east, and your left hand points due west. Due to its placement its visibility is easier to naked eyes even while being placed as the 50th brightest star.

There are some trade secrets from the world of amateur astronomy where they apply to read stars which are placed at unimaginable heights. We at arm length also tend to miss out things. May be need to take a page from their book to learn it through.

Your eyes need to get adapted to the dark before you go out. That means not just getting up from watching TV, or staring at your computer screen, before you look outside. You won't see much because it takes your eyes at least 10 minutes to adjust to the dark. For the same reason, astronomers prefer to use red lights to view their star atlases & then look up at the real thing with little trouble. Tie a knot to yourself to the new to be the best observer in your first 10 mins. 

Another tip for finding really faint objects, particularly when looking through binoculars or a telescope, is not to look directly at them. This isn't because they are shy, but the central part of your eye is not the most sensitive to light. It is best at distinguishing fine detail, but the side parts are actually better at seeing faint objects. The technique of looking away from where you expect something to be is called averted vision. Keeping a focus on the main the sides are not to be sidelined a message for all to learn.

William Shakespeare
     “It’s not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves”

Friday, 8 August 2014

Cha-Cha your moves...

Do you remember the game in which we need to balance a lime on the spoon still walk your perfect walk. We say a child’s first step is around 1 yr of his age. Technically I took mine in my 20's with this liner engraved in me. Physically you may never see the spoon & the lime but mentally I always do owe one.

Grew up hearing I’m too fast with things always wanted to learn the definition of balance to the core. Where Or How a person draws a line was always a mystery to me. One of my maternal uncle who was more worried about me than myself. Often advised me during my younger years to watch news check their speed of talking. Yes when I say fast I believe they could judge it in my talking too. Though makes me smile now as I’m always speechless.

Speechless does not mean I have conquered the balance act. As when we are fast it will out pour its way through some or the other channel. That reminds me more of myself. I walk fast too which I still do. But yes now with wisdom. Mentally I always envision myself as a juggler juggling with lot of balls in the air still having the perfect act. Why I’m sharing my story from a scratch as I was not always like that but a fast soul who has worked on myself to enjoy the way I’m. May be we put it as a child who took lot of time to grow up. But when I did wanted it be forever so worked from the fundamentals.

After taking you here & there, let’s head towards the crux. How does a person finally agree on his balance point? Imagine a movie when you hit the forward button looks disturbing. This how we look when we are faster than our own beat. Everybody has a different rhythm to which we tune only when we are ready to let our body be silently drawn to our inner motion. We all have an answer to the right balance no need to look here & there but deeper in yourself.

Imagine you being served with soup. How is your motion going to be towards it? Whenever I close my eyes to this scene I can only connect with a delicate upright motion. If I push it to be fast reminds me of a comical scene. When I’m talking on all this it’s not colored with gender we all will have same speed. In that moment you are relaxed enjoying your pace savoring the taste to is best. That is definition of balance I connect to.

Friday, 1 August 2014

Scissor Your Patterns

A pattern provides information to help implement successful strategies, avoid common pitfalls & do their work better. When the brain instantly sees a pattern it gets sparked. But when needs to find patterns the rationalization begins “it’s not worth it”. Surrendering to this rationalization limits our thinking, learning, creativity & ability. Furthermore disable us to apply ideas to novel situations.

“What we call chaos is just patterns we haven’t recognized. What we call random is just patterns we can’t decipher.”

Life has a funny way of teaching us lessons. When there is something you need to learn, something that you need to work on, the same situation will continue to repeat itself until you either learn your lesson or find a healthy way of dealing with that particular issue.

I Learned that not making a decision is in itself a decision—and that my fear of change was actually a fear of failure. That was when I noticed the pattern of things breaking, or circumstances changing, forcing me to deal with my inability.

Some lessons take longer than others. Instead of reacting to situations, when something comes up and seems familiar, try to stand back for a second & think. It could be a lesson in humility, or a lesson in gratitude, or maybe you may need to learn empathy to see things from the other person’s point of view. Instead of reacting all the time, every time something challenging comes up it could be an opportunity to learn.

A good way of recognizing patterns in your life is by listening to your feelings, your intuition. I’ve found that when I am involved in a pattern, my emotions run a bit stronger, kind of like a warning from my subconscious mind to pay attention to what’s happening. It can be difficult to recognize a pattern while it’s playing out. So, usually we realize what happened afterward.

In turn, life will continue to send us ways to overcome our patterns & learn our individual lessons.
The key is to be alert. When you’re open to recognizing a pattern, you can change it by learning the lesson & in doing so, change your life.