Friday, 29 August 2014


Turning traffic has an impact on pedestrian travel. Motorists who are turning left have their concentration focused on the oncoming traffic. They while concentrating on identifying a suitable gap in automobile traffic traveling on a perpendicular path, often pull into the pedestrian crossing area. 

Summing up the whole world we have different names for pedestrian crossings: Zebra, Pelican, Puffin, Toucan & Pegasus.

·         Zebra crossings are named after their stripes & are used in many parts of the world.
·         The word Puffin comes from Pedestrian User Friendly Intelligence (making the buttons available beside you!)
·         The word Pelican comes from Pedestrian Light Control(You ‘control’ the button for the ‘green man’ from the other side of the road)
·         The word Toucan based on the idea that two can cross –  these are joint for pedestrian and cycle crossings.
·         The word Pegasus crossing is a special consideration for people on horseback.

Putting all the crossings in a bag making it a mixed bag. Let us pull threads on the art of walking.

Choose a place where there is a space between two cars, making it easier to reach the other side of the road.  A hidden message for all when split between varied streams should always be able to find space between each by making it a To & Fro move.

Make sure a stationary vehicle is true to its core by observing for driver, lights & d silence of the engine playing to its best. With presence of our mind our sight has equal weight. Use it to your best not only to see superficially but deeply.

Never to cross blindfold near large vehicles. You could be standing in a blind spot, where the driver cannot see you. When mentally you have already fed yourself that the given situation is bigger than you make sure your visibility is not diminished to the same. Sometimes your acting skills is not only a veil for others, but for you also in making you believe that you can envision more than you see. 

Walking to the outside edge of the cars circumferencing and halting to the sight of drivers or vehicles. Make your journey worthwhile give time on your stoppages. Appreciate from where you started till where you have reached. When we are passionately involved with our Goals, we forget to appreciate ourselves how far have we reached. As we tie our success only to our Goals fail to acknowledge the others.

Use the Green Color-Cross Code. Make sure you find a green lining in all you do, the expression “golden lining” stands nullified. If your eyes fail to see green than it must be STOP.

Friday, 22 August 2014

Forbearance to Pain

Conversations always end up as starters, heading me with blank canvas towards a new direction. Being a part of a group as not active but passively listening to all. The steaming topic of discussion was getting inked to a tattoo with erratic pain level to all. Blink of a second I could relate to several different faces of the past, who have shared different experiences on the same. The Y which is ’Why’ never leaves me to rest. There has to be a reason why people experience different level of pain even when all are going through the same.

Pain tolerance is the maximum amount of pain someone can tolerate. Experts do not yet agree on why we have different levels of pain tolerance. Psychology might explain pain tolerance as a result of “mind over matter.” In fact, some people can even control their reaction to pain consciously. People can increase pain tolerance a number of ways. Some examples include stimulating positive emotions to override negative emotions during stressful situations, suppressing pain via distraction, or by training and conditioning the mind to focus attention elsewhere can help minimize pain.

Dodging all the other studies which weigh around Gender, Age, and Culture & Genetic. The psychological study which takes human behavior as prime makes it easy for us to learn the key for un-keying our self. Throughout my life I have been red faced to needles. Sight of it would make me turn my face to the opposite direction & getting a shot without hitting my voice till the roof was rare to see. My height & age had stopped protecting me so I decided to be brave. How much can you relate to the word ‘brave’? But for me that time it meant nothing less than uprooting a mountain. I knew I had a strong will power that was enough for me to get ignition than rest was history.

In this whole process I realized it’s just an act of ‘Mind over Matter’. If we stop feeding our self with negativity we can do wonders. I have felt it, done it & experienced it. No blind fold approach I’m talking about. The power of our thoughts are so strong we our-self do not know….

Mahatma Gandhi ‘A man is but a product of his thoughts what he thinks, he becomes…’

Friday, 15 August 2014


Gaping into the sky had not decided to be a head hunter but was overwhelmed by the sight. The twinkling stars had enveloped me with an unbreakable bond. The brightest out of the lot, which we always name it to be “North Star” is far away from the factual. North Star which is also called Polaris has been gifted with medium brilliance. The story line builds up now “Why automatically  do we presume the brightest to be North Star?” left me also scratching my head.

This star is a boon to travelers throughout the Northern Hemisphere, both over land & sea. Finding Polaris means you know the direction north.  Polaris – is famous for holding nearly still in our sky while the entire northern sky moves around it. That’s because it’s located nearly at the north celestial pole, the point around which the entire northern sky turns. As you face Polaris and stretch your arms sideways, your right hand points due east, and your left hand points due west. Due to its placement its visibility is easier to naked eyes even while being placed as the 50th brightest star.

There are some trade secrets from the world of amateur astronomy where they apply to read stars which are placed at unimaginable heights. We at arm length also tend to miss out things. May be need to take a page from their book to learn it through.

Your eyes need to get adapted to the dark before you go out. That means not just getting up from watching TV, or staring at your computer screen, before you look outside. You won't see much because it takes your eyes at least 10 minutes to adjust to the dark. For the same reason, astronomers prefer to use red lights to view their star atlases & then look up at the real thing with little trouble. Tie a knot to yourself to the new to be the best observer in your first 10 mins. 

Another tip for finding really faint objects, particularly when looking through binoculars or a telescope, is not to look directly at them. This isn't because they are shy, but the central part of your eye is not the most sensitive to light. It is best at distinguishing fine detail, but the side parts are actually better at seeing faint objects. The technique of looking away from where you expect something to be is called averted vision. Keeping a focus on the main the sides are not to be sidelined a message for all to learn.

William Shakespeare
     “It’s not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves”

Friday, 8 August 2014

Cha-Cha your moves...

Do you remember the game in which we need to balance a lime on the spoon still walk your perfect walk. We say a child’s first step is around 1 yr of his age. Technically I took mine in my 20's with this liner engraved in me. Physically you may never see the spoon & the lime but mentally I always do owe one.

Grew up hearing I’m too fast with things always wanted to learn the definition of balance to the core. Where Or How a person draws a line was always a mystery to me. One of my maternal uncle who was more worried about me than myself. Often advised me during my younger years to watch news check their speed of talking. Yes when I say fast I believe they could judge it in my talking too. Though makes me smile now as I’m always speechless.

Speechless does not mean I have conquered the balance act. As when we are fast it will out pour its way through some or the other channel. That reminds me more of myself. I walk fast too which I still do. But yes now with wisdom. Mentally I always envision myself as a juggler juggling with lot of balls in the air still having the perfect act. Why I’m sharing my story from a scratch as I was not always like that but a fast soul who has worked on myself to enjoy the way I’m. May be we put it as a child who took lot of time to grow up. But when I did wanted it be forever so worked from the fundamentals.

After taking you here & there, let’s head towards the crux. How does a person finally agree on his balance point? Imagine a movie when you hit the forward button looks disturbing. This how we look when we are faster than our own beat. Everybody has a different rhythm to which we tune only when we are ready to let our body be silently drawn to our inner motion. We all have an answer to the right balance no need to look here & there but deeper in yourself.

Imagine you being served with soup. How is your motion going to be towards it? Whenever I close my eyes to this scene I can only connect with a delicate upright motion. If I push it to be fast reminds me of a comical scene. When I’m talking on all this it’s not colored with gender we all will have same speed. In that moment you are relaxed enjoying your pace savoring the taste to is best. That is definition of balance I connect to.

Friday, 1 August 2014

Scissor Your Patterns

A pattern provides information to help implement successful strategies, avoid common pitfalls & do their work better. When the brain instantly sees a pattern it gets sparked. But when needs to find patterns the rationalization begins “it’s not worth it”. Surrendering to this rationalization limits our thinking, learning, creativity & ability. Furthermore disable us to apply ideas to novel situations.

“What we call chaos is just patterns we haven’t recognized. What we call random is just patterns we can’t decipher.”

Life has a funny way of teaching us lessons. When there is something you need to learn, something that you need to work on, the same situation will continue to repeat itself until you either learn your lesson or find a healthy way of dealing with that particular issue.

I Learned that not making a decision is in itself a decision—and that my fear of change was actually a fear of failure. That was when I noticed the pattern of things breaking, or circumstances changing, forcing me to deal with my inability.

Some lessons take longer than others. Instead of reacting to situations, when something comes up and seems familiar, try to stand back for a second & think. It could be a lesson in humility, or a lesson in gratitude, or maybe you may need to learn empathy to see things from the other person’s point of view. Instead of reacting all the time, every time something challenging comes up it could be an opportunity to learn.

A good way of recognizing patterns in your life is by listening to your feelings, your intuition. I’ve found that when I am involved in a pattern, my emotions run a bit stronger, kind of like a warning from my subconscious mind to pay attention to what’s happening. It can be difficult to recognize a pattern while it’s playing out. So, usually we realize what happened afterward.

In turn, life will continue to send us ways to overcome our patterns & learn our individual lessons.
The key is to be alert. When you’re open to recognizing a pattern, you can change it by learning the lesson & in doing so, change your life.