Friday, 28 March 2014

Water yourself...

Waters transparency is beautifully depicted when blooms in the same color to the one put into it. Symphonies in solid,liquid,gas being visible in many forms.Water was never bring into being as it was always around us. Piece of evidence on level pegging claimed aquatic is ruled by God Varun or feminine Goddess.Associated with passion & emotion cycled for Healing, Cleansing, Purification. Fascinating myths and legends on magical powers of sea & oceans weave home to mermaids, sea monsters & unknown.

Depths of water hold many stories some boasted & some un -boasted ones. The legendary city of Dwarka which was founded by Shri Krishna is an important landmark in the history of India. It set to rest the doubts expressed by historians about the historicity of Mahabharat. The day Krishna departed from earth the oceans rose and submerged whole of Dwarka. Later the legendary site was discovered 40 feet below water, during low tides parts of it is still visible.

“There’s more to the picture than meets the eye"

In Christianity baptism represents with Christ life.
 First, lowered in water...represents dying with Christ on cross.
Second, kept under water for a while...represents with Christ in the burial grave. 
Third, raised out of water...represents rising to live again with Christ in resurrection. 

Baptism is just not a religious ritual, but more than that.

The basic motion of water tides has a connection with the moon. When there are unusually high tides, the moon, earth and sun have drawn a line. The new or full moon make them dance to their tune. Everyday the tide rises fifty five minutes later than the day before handicapped to moon's revolution .

Low or High be a Moon to all your tides…..

Friday, 21 March 2014

A glance into the mirror

Birds tattoo on me flying towards the outside world, when seen through the mirror show me coming back home. Mirrors have come a long way where reflection in water was only the means of seeing & was considered magic. Mirrors are now used for all kind of takes from LCD projections, lasers to car headlights, where a 6 to 12 Months baby also finds a playmate in them

  In Modern age of mass production it is easy to close the eyes take things for granted, the mirror was once considered extremely precious. It was literally worth its weight in gold only the affluent could hope to own. A keen eye for beauty you will readily recognize the allure of a fine antique mirror. It may be true that the value of the actual glass has taken a back seat to the frame of a mirror, but a connoisseur will undoubtedly appreciate both their histories.

  Mirrors jump-started a new form of art, self-portrait where painter seized himself while painting. Leonardo called the mirror the "master of painters." It was a tool that could be used to distort and improve the artist's work. It may be that mirrors increase the intensity of human sight in other ways as well. Seeing is a dynamic process if we stare directly at an object for a long time, we cease to see it. When we change our angle of vision, sweeping the eye across the object we continue to see it for a longer time.

 Leonardo Da Vinci’s code of behavior of mirror writing from right to left. Which believe he did was to foster deeper, truer, contemplation to develop 360 degrees, radial thinking. Using mirror writing slows you down with pauses creating a calmer, clearer, meditative state that increases the quality of your thinking unlocking rigid reasoning.

 Breaking a mirror creates a skeptic shudder for a moment! This superstition is an old one & has managed to keep its strength.      
We should stop looking in mirrors for physical imperfections glance into others eyes to see how much are we needed....

                   “Eyes are truly the mirror to our Soul”

Friday, 14 March 2014

Glossy vs Matte

I was up earlier than usual before the golden hues of sun could do thrilled with the newness of day. Something so attractive about newness always takes me an inch above. We are all incline to shiny new things a new gadget, novel experience of a new city, natural enthusiasm on a new job. Hearing a new song is a rush right until that song begins to sound too familiar. This isn't because being in a generation of compulsive email checkers or internet addicts, or we don’t appreciate life enough. It’s actually hardwired into our brain to appreciate and seek out novelty. How quickly novelty can disappear as we become familiar, and yet how completely stimulated we become when we find another new experience to have or sight to see.
 I don’t think the crisis is so much about things ceasing to be new. The crunch is that we begin to experience them as becoming old. If a piece of music fills us with a buzz of excitement and enthusiasm today, trip down the lane it remains the same piece of music we finding it mundane. Music has not changed it is our fleeting personality.
According to neuroscience, chemical in the brain opioids gives us pleasure the same ones that give heroin and morphine their kick. A second or third round won’t give the same rich opioid hit. Brain is hardwired to seek out more anything less is boring.Being boredom-prone is somewhat hard-wired. Where we further mess it up by dropping out of school, changing jobs too often or ditch good marriages.
 How we trick ourselves to live to a ripe old age ?
A Sense of Humor is crucial
Moaning will take you nowhere, Positivity will
Subjects that interest you go deeper into it
Don't be scared to be wacky 
Be Natural…if you have an impulse, and you really want to do that impulse, do it!
Talk…. face an awkward silence try to be an ice breaker get the conversation going again
Let never boredom be the reason to quit…..

Friday, 7 March 2014

How U Weigh Yourself…?

Sprouted up in a family where religious practices & rituals was a low affair. In good conscience was cultured on God being inside & shouldering you at every step. Somehow made me believe he is in small things, which meant a world to me that time. Childhood Stories only made them feel truer. Be polite & patient, Offer help, Respect all, Never to lie ….the list was endless. In course of time felt losing my innocence somewhere they got side-lined.

Passing time made me look for strength in idols. Shifting my base camp from one to other, whichever felt comforting to the hour as per desire. Friend to a wanderer staring at the stars as if guiding me to find my destination. Making my silent prayers in heart with no voice go endlessly longer.

Today with my search light I don't know what religion I am ?
 But have confidence in being respectful, selfless, giving & helping to all I meet. Enchanted in the belief of Karma & new age practices. But what religion that makes me in ...

I stand straight looking in all directions, I have gone back to my 
childhood  beliefs. Which  were  always  unadulterated  &  true. 

Have come full circle from where I started the journey, standing wiser  than  before...

Find out “How You Weigh Yourself…?”